
Hua Hum

剛到阿根廷不久就被熱情的人包圍了,一台大巴從Santa Rosa而來,青旅因此而熱鬧,看來是一團退休老人們和他們的家屬,但活力完全不輸年輕人,看著他們大口吃Pizza和喝芬達真令我瞠目結舌。




她還說了個小故事,她丈夫的媽媽已經九十幾歲了,堅持每週看一本書,當他們準備去旅行前,買了六十本書給她,離開時她已經讀完了十本,"當我讀書時,就會暫時忘記你們不在我身邊這件事" 他媽媽這麼說



We met so many kind and sweet people in Argentina, a bus brought a group of retired elderly people and their families from Santa Rosa, the hostel became so alive. Their energies are not less than young people. I haven’t seen any elderly having pizza and sparkling beverage like this in Taiwan.

The first night two men helped me to cut a radish. Purple onions made me burst into tears and I couldn’t open my eyes, so they put two onion skin on my head, and that worked out well! 

Many people do not refuse to speak to me because of language barriers, instead, simple words and body were enough. They stayed for four days. In addition they invited me to have afternoon dessert and also to have dinner together.

One night I was painting alone on the sofa, an old lady started talking to me. Although I couldn’t speak well Spanish and she couldn’t speak English, but we still share a lot of things, she brought the ipad to share her art works, many people also joined us.

Before leaving, she asked me how long I would stay in Argentina, gave me the business card and contact information, this is the first time I received a psychiatrist, business card……

This is not the first time we receive business cards, in Valparaiso camping area we met a Swiss couple, so I am no longer afraid of talking to the elderly. Now I still remember how in the Metro in Paris, an old lady, stared at me angrily because I accidentally pushed her, her stomping sound made me so nervous. But the Swiss couple always smiled when sharing with us. They drove from Turkey to Shanghai. We talked about Asian food, about how cities have changed there, since they visited China for first time long ago, and plans for future trips.

She also told us her husband's mother is ninety years old, and keeps reading a book per week. So when they were preparing to travel, they bought 60 books for her; she finished ten books before they left. She said that when she reads, she forgets for a moment that they are not with her. When they left their visiting card to us. They also invited us to their Spanish and Swiss residence as guests. I am very happy that we meet so many open-minded people.

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